How to achieve the perfect work-life balance

September 30, 2021
How to achieve the perfect work-life balance

Around 73% of employees say they have difficulties balancing their work and private lives. The result: stress, which not only makes people dissatisfied and ill, but also reduces motivation and productivity. The increase in time and performance pressure often leaves less time for private life, which increases physical and mental stress. So what can be done to counteract this? “Work-life balance” is the magic formula. We have summarized the most important tips for companies and employees…

But what is actually behind the term?

The English term “work-life balance” simply means balance between work and private life. So on the one hand to have success in the job and fun at work and on the other hand still find time for a happy family and private life, with fulfilling hobbies. According to the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, work-life balance is “a new, intelligent dovetailing of work and private life against the backdrop of a changed and dynamically changing world of work and life.” A functioning work-life balance is not just about finding a way to balance the stress of everyday work with personal joy and moments of happiness, but rather about reducing the stress already during working hours. This means organizing work in such a way that it brings joy and stress can be avoided as far as possible. After all, each person only has a limited amount of time and energy available each day. To create a healthy work-life balance, the resources of time and energy must be used in such a way that both areas are equally supplied. If someone puts most of their time or energy into only one of the areas of life, then the other suffers and the balance falters.

How companies can positively influence the work-life balance of their employees

1. with the help of company benefits:

  • An in-house childcare facility or Verbundkita (cooperation with other companies to set up a daycare center).
  • Leisure facilities (foosball table, relaxation room, fitness room, etc.)
  • After-work activities (barbecues, meals out, Escape Room, etc.). 2.

2. Promoting the health of employees:

  • Sports offerings (gym membership, business yoga, bike racks, showers, locker rooms, company run, etc.).
  • The right office design, including ergonomic workstations, bright rooms and a pleasant background noise.
  • Health days, health checks
  • Reintegration programs after prolonged illness

3. flexible and location-independent working time models:

  • Home office
  • remote work
  • Flexitime and trust-based working hours
  • Working time account (sabbatical, further training, care, earlier retirement)
  • Possibility to work part-time

4. further development/education opportunities:

  • Courses and seminars on time management, self-management, stress management, conflict management and team building
  • Courses on relaxation (meditation, yoga, painting, digital detox events).

5. other gadgets:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables in the office
  • Free drinks (coffee, water, soda, tea, smoothies)
  • Lunch together
  • Plants in the office

And here’s how you can influence your work-life balance yourself

1. find a balance to your work:

  • Whether it’s sports, playing an instrument, something creative like painting or sewing, or just going for a walk. Find a hobby that helps you clear your head and let your mind wander.
  • Do you often sit alone in front of the PC at work? Then meet up with friends and family after work, go dancing and socialize. If you have to deal with many people at work, you will certainly find your balance better in quiet places (of course, everyone is different and should decide for themselves which balance is best suited).

2. question your everyday life:

  • Are you unhappy or dissatisfied? Do friends and family complain that you neglect them? Do you feel tired and sick? Has your job become too strenuous or overwhelming for you? If you can answer “yes” to one or more of these questions, you should think about where the problem is coming from. If you take some time, you can usually quickly find countermeasures to fix the problem. For example, if you are overwhelmed at work, it can help to take some time off, book a vacation and simply switch off. Of course, there is also the possibility to think about a job change (more about that soon in our next blogpost).
  • Never forget: It’s not about perfection! Learn to accept that not everything will always go 100% the way you want it to. In your job as well as in your family, unforeseen things happen all the time. Don’t let them throw you off track. Just reschedule and make the best of the new situation.

3. time management:

  • Here it is helpful to divide your time into four areas: Work, body and health, family and friends, self-actualization. Think about when you want to spend how much time for what. At best, write down concretely what your plans are for each area. To-do lists and prioritization can also help! (Have a look at our blogpost on productivity).
  • Are you overwhelmed and stressed? Then simply make regular appointments with yourself. It might sound strange at first, but this way you give small time-outs the same importance as meetings with clients and business partners. Allow yourself quality time to recharge your batteries for the rest of the day!

Do you have further questions, or are you thinking about a job change to create your optimal work-life balance? Then get in touch with us. We will be happy to advise you!

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